Programs Overview

The Quest

The most anticipated academic competition across continents offered in partnership with some of the most prestigious universities, The Quest is an opportunity to develop team work and leadership skills while gaining understanding of complex and very advanced topics.

Days Of Excellence

In depth explorations of a wide variety of topics, the Days of Excellence programs are developed in response to the latest educational research in gifted education, and provides excellent academic outcomes


Half day holiday workshops offered in partnership with a number of universities in Australia and overseas, Academicus provide gifted students with an introduction into a range of Maths-Science and Humanities topics, with further, in depth explorations being available via the BRAINways online learning system.


An opportunity to engage in challenging, in depth explorations of topics via the BRAINways online learning system, the E-Learning programs are provided under the guidance of experts in the field, and are a safe avenue for the interaction of like minded peers

Summer/Winter Camp

Including an immersion and a competition component, the BRAINways Summer/Winter Camps provide students with choice, challenge and depth.

School Of Excellence

After-school programs providing training for higher order thinking, the School of Excellence is offered in the areas of Mathematics, Science and Humanities developing thinking that is complex, creating innovative paths for problem solving, creative thinking, analysis and synthesis

Expeditions Of Discovery

Enrichment programs developed based on the specific requirements of venue schools, the Expeditions of Discovery vary in structure and content, to provide for specific school needs.